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To all those facing daunting circumstances or overwhelmingly tall odds—I am a voice for hope and determination.

Emil Rem, Undaunted

Meet Emil Rem

An eccentric Ismaili Muslim, originally from Tanzania and raised in foster care in England, I live in Canada, where I work as an accountant and write creative nonfiction.

My mission in sharing my stories is to instill hope and inspire people—especially those tackling seemingly impossible endeavours, people who feel like “outsiders” and people from disenfranchised and underprivileged backgrounds—to choose action, resilience, hope, and determination for overcoming even the tallest of odds… undaunted.


The Vanished Gardens of Cordova book cover graphic

Using his signature blend of personal memories interwoven with history and depictions of his travels, Rem takes us through Spain and Gibraltar—creating a  narrative around a vivid host of characters and experiences rediscovering  the ‘vanished’ landscapes of his culture and his childhood.

Heart of New York book cover

With wry, sharp-eyed humor, this collection of brilliantly interwoven short stories shows how ghosts from the past—in Rem’s case, a toxic mother, years in foster care, near bankruptcy, and the immigrant experience—leave an indelible imprint on the future.

Chasing Aphrodite book cover graphic

Each of Chasing Aphrodite’s seemingly lighthearted travel adventures provides a vivid backdrop for reflection on a bittersweet childhood split between Tanzania and foster care in Englandand leaves readers to ponder the fine line between life’s smallest moments, and destiny.

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In The News

We would love to send you a chapter from our upcoming book The Vanished Gardens of Cordova. Sign up and I will send you the chapter entitled Cathedral in the Dark along with its beautiful illustrations.