Demented-Part 2

Demented-Part 2

Who was this man? He was unshaven, with no tie, his shirt collar open and missing buttons. He seemed to have slept in his clothes. His suit was wrinkled and creased. He had the eyes of a hunted animal. This wasn’t Dad… was it? Dad had always worn a suit and tie. He...
Demented-Part 2

Demented Part 1

December 8th was Dad’s eighty-second birthday. It was also his elder grandson’s seventeenth. Laura cooked steak—Dad’s favorite. He fussed over his birthday cake and insisted on a dozen photos. Dad had mounted old pictures of Alex and framed them with some poetry from...
Harbour Island

Harbour Island

  The next best thing to travelling is to write about it. PHOOEY. “ Wake up, wake up! “ it’s 6.00 a.m. on Paradise Island, Bahamas. It’s Christmas and we’re up at this time of day. Sheesh. We shower in silence, eat our free breakfast buffet – boxed cereals,...