Touring GIB

Touring GIB

The Rock Hotel balanced itself precariously on its perch halfway up a hill, on Europa Road, as narrow as an alleyway. Its squat, sparkling-white structure sprawled across the hillside exuding an image of the white cliffs of Dover—appropriate, being Great Britain’s...
Dealing With Fraud

Dealing With Fraud

“What do you mean you detected a fraud at the hotel?” the senior partner of Collins Barrow, Chartered Accountants of Calgary, Canada exclaimed incredulously. “We’ve never found a whiff in 20 years.” Twitching, I let loose a dry cough. “Z-tapes, sir. As part of our...
2 Essential Lessons in Life

2 Essential Lessons in Life

The 2 essential lessons I’ve learned in life (and please don’t tell my wife) are: You cannot be an accountant if you can’t add. The difficulty of getting fired. On a cold, rainy January morning I entered the portal of Hale and Company, Chartered Accountants of...
Walking the Mezquita

Walking the Mezquita

As my family negotiated the narrow, winding street, well before reaching our destination, we could hear the tumult ahead. It led us to a square overwhelmed with sightseers. This could have been any tourist trap in Europe. We battled through a surging tide of humanity...
Pride, Prejudice, and the Efficacy of Brown Humour

Pride, Prejudice, and the Efficacy of Brown Humour

I quickly learned the art of self-deprecatory humour in my pre-teens. Thrown into an all-white, uneducated, low-income housing estate outside London, I was the only coloured inhabitant. Love playing football (soccer), I would trawl the streets on my bike searching for...