Analects …

a collection of short literary or philosophical extracts

Not all ideas fit neatly into the pages of a book. When I see, hear or read something that moves me—a news story, a snippet of conversation, a musical phrase, a storyline or cityscape—I capture the thoughts it provokes by jotting them down. From art and sports—whether Wimbledon or the World Cup—to politics, love and war, all topics have the potential to spark my imagination.


Love Actually

Love Actually

One of my favourite Christmas movies, Love Actually portrays vignettes of all aspects of love. Babysitting my boys one evening, sending one to bed and telling the other to keep quiet or else, my...

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Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks

Last night, arriving home late I made some hot chocolate and settled down to catch up on BBC’s news of the day. Mr Putin and his merry men were amusing themselves hurling 83 missiles on cities...

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Emil Rem Writes Headshot

Emil Rem, an eccentric accountant becomes a writer of eccentric characters, in exotic locales—each chapter taking us on a trip into his fascinating twisted world. Born to a close knit, middle class Muslim East Indian family in Dar-es-Salam, Africa in the 50’s, he is then moved to Maidenhead England at the age of five. The next twenty years are spent shuttling between England and East Africa, wearing a St. Christopher’s cross one minute and attending church, to wearing a green armband and attending Muslim religious classes in Africa the next. Moving to Canada, marrying a woman from the Philippines and having two boys only adds further texture to his stories.

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